Giving back In PNG

As Papua New Guinea eases border restrictions to welcome back commercial and research vessels, the team at Melanesian Luxury Yachts recently partnered with an Australian client to give back to to some of the regions they've visited previously. This project took them to the small village of Gasmata, on the southern coast of New Britain to supply much needed medical aid to locals.
"We are lucky to have some incredibly generous clients, who feel just as strongly about giving back to these communities as us" said Melanesian Luxury Yachts Founder, Angela Pennefather. "These small villages have always welcomed us with open arms, yet many lack basic medical services". The expedition addressed urgent issues including sanitation standards, tropical ulcers, scabies and maternal health, providing much needed supplies and services.
During their time there, the group also donated sporting equipment, with High School teacher Anton Zafir training local youths in Volleyball, Soccer and Martial Arts. "The kids responded so well to the training we provided. I'm told it's something they all looked forward to on a daily basis, particularly the girls and young women, who really embraced the Volleyball sessions".
At present, Papua New Guinea is only open to vessels entering the country for commercial, research and bunkering, with the look to eventually open up to the remainder of vessels in 2021.